
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Coptic Presidential Candidate: His Own Party Not So Sure?

Remember Egypt's landmark first Coptic Presidential candidate? Remember how Husni Mubarak's ruling National Democratic Party welcomed his candidacy? Well, um, he seems to have forgotten to discuss it with his own party first. This story indicates that his party of choice, the Free Socialist Constitutionalist Party (no, I'm not familiar with it either) had not endorsed his bid. The linked article also includes qualifying comments by George Ishaq, head of the opposition movement Kifaya, (and a Copt) that the candidacy was not a "substantive" one. And Yousef Sidhom, Editor of the newspaper Al-Watani (a newspaper that has been a Coptic voice since the early 20th century) called the announcement "premature."

Oh, well, Mamdouh Ramzy: at least the NDP likes you. Maybe if Gamal Mubarak decides not to run . . .


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