
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Some Other Folks' Thoughts on the Asad-Ahmadinejad-Nasrallah Meeting

I didn't post anything about the much reported meeting of Presidents Bashar al-Asad and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Hizbullah Secretary-General Hasan Nasrallah in Damascus. Since it seems to have come at a time of warming US-Syrian relations it struck some as unusual (plus the fact that Nasrallah, not President Suleiman of Lebanon, was accorded equality with the two heads of state).

Rather than punditize myself let me refer you to the commentaries collected by Josh Landis at Syria Comment. Also see Qifa Nabki's comments on the matter. They pontificate well, so I don't have to.

And for a different perspective, this from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

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