It's even more embarrassing to find glaring errors in a movie trailer. The Language Log linguistics blog notes that the trailer for the forthcoming science fiction film Arrival, a film which reportedly focuses in large part on alien linguistics, apparently is somewhat challenged by a major terrestrial language:

ة ل ج ا ع ر ا ب خ أ ;
ر ش ا ب م ل ا ث ب ل ا
Yes, someone has failed to realize that Arabic is 1) written from right to left, and 2) the letters are supposed to be connected.
The first is supposed to read أخبارعاجلة , urgent news or breaking news. The second is البث المباشر , live broadcast.
Longtime readers may recall something similar from the London Olympics four years ago: "Obligatory Olympics Arabic Note: Marhaba bikum fi London, Sort of":
One would think with all the online translation tools this wouldn't keep happening.
In other Arabic news:
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