A fanciful portrayal as B11 was submerged |
Tomorrow marks the 100th anniversary of the first loss of a major warship in naval action in the Middle East in the First World War. Smaller
river patrol craft had been lost in the Mesopotamian campaign, and
some Russian vessels in Admiral Souchon's Black Sea Raid, but on this day the British submarine HMS
B11 (Lt. Norman D. Holbrook, Commanding) sank the Turkish battleship
Mesudiye (Maj. Beşiktaşlı Arif Nebi Bey, Commanding, but with Captain Üsküdarlı Rıfat Bey in acting command during the attack) as she was moored to protect minefields at Sarısığlar Bay off Chanak (
Çanakkale), at the narrowest point in the Dardanelles.
It looked nothing like the fanciful sketch above, however, since His Majesty's Submarine B11 remained submerged at periscope depth throughout the entire attack
The achievement earned for the 26-year-old Lieutenant Holbrook the first Victoria Cross ever awarded to a submariner, and the first naval VC of the war. The VC is of course Britain's highest military honor.
Holbrook souvenir card |
Holbrook even became a celebrity of sorts for a while, as the trading card at right shows; and in 1915 the Australian town of Germanton in New South Wales, feeling "Germanton" was not suitably patiotic, changed its name to Holbrook (who was English); and today, Holbrook, NSW houses the Holbrook Submarine Museum (though it is not on the coast). and features a scaled-down model of B11.
Scale model of HMS B11 in Holbrook, NSW |
The war would see far more dramatic instances of submarine warfare, but the war in the Middle East was still new and in need of heroes.
Mesudiye after her refit |
B11's daring was real enough (she also appears as B.11, B-11, etc.), but Mesudiye was very much a sitting duck, anchored as a floating battery to defend the minefields. Her captain and officers had vigorously protested this role, but she was old and slow and the Ottoman Navy was now under German command, and Souchon and the Germans insisted.
Mesudiye was old (launched in 1874) after being built, ironically given her ultimate fate, at the Thames Iron Works in Britain. She was originally rated as a central-battery ironclad. In 1903 she was sent to Genoa for a complete rebuild and refit, and was subsequently classed as a pre-Dreadnought battleship, though her tonnage was less than half of that of the modern battle cruiser Yavuz (ex-Goeben). Worse still, her two big central guns had never been installed.
B11, decks awash |
HMS B11 was a British "B"-class sub launched in 1906. With her sister boats B9 and B10, she had been based in Malta since 1912 and was now operating from Tenedos with her sister boats and three French submarines as the sub force attached to the British flotilla patrolling the Aegean and blockading the exit from the straits since the flight of the Goeben and Breslau. Lt. Holbrook had taken command of B11 in December 1913.
Here's a period newspaper illustration; the narrative of the battle follows below.
Let's begin with the British side first. From the History of the Great War - Naval Operations, Volune 2, by Sir Julian Corbett (himself a distinguished sea power theorist), we find the details of Lieutenant Holbrook's attack:
great was the demand for
destroyers at home to meet
the submarine menace that he [Admiral Carden]
was only allowed to keep the
six he had on his urgent
representation that the six
boats the French had sent
were of too old a type to
deal with the modern Turkish
ones. The Goeben
moreover was soon active
again. From December 7 to 10
she had been out in the
Black Sea with the Hamidieh
escorting troops and
transports, and had
bombarded Batum for a short
time. At the same time the Breslau
had been detected apparently
laying mines off Sevastopol,
but had been met by bombing
aeroplanes. In the
Dardanelles was another
cruiser, the Messudieh,
guarding the minefield below
the Narrows. Without more
cruisers it was therefore
impossible to maintain a
blockade of Smyrna and
Dedeagatch, and at the same
time guard the flying base
which had been established
for the flotilla at Port
Sigri, in Mityleni. The
French, however, came to the
rescue by sending up two
ships, the cruiser Amiral
Charner and the
seaplane carrier Foudre,
which, having left her
sea-planes in Egypt, had
been doing escort duty on
the Port Said-Malta line.
They were still on their way
when a brilliant piece of
service was performed, which
did something to relieve the
Admiral's anxiety and much
to brighten the monotony of
the eventless vigil.
some time the three British
submarines (B.9, 10
and 11) and the
three French, had been
itching for a new
experience. There were known
to be five lines of mines
across the fairway inside
the Straits, but Captain C.
P. R. Coode, the resourceful
commander of the destroyer
flotilla, and
Lieutenant-Commander G. H.
Pownall, who commanded the
submarines under him,
believed that by fitting a
submarine with certain
guards the obstacle could be
passed. Amongst both the
French and the British
submarine commanders there
was keen competition to be
made the subject of the
experiment. Eventually the
choice fell on Lieutenant N.
D. Holbrook, of B.11,
which had recently had her
batteries renewed and had
already been two miles up
the Straits in chase of two
Turkish gunboats.
December 13, having been
duly fitted with guards, she
went in to torpedo anything
she could get at. In spite
of the strong adverse
current Lieutenant Holbrook
succeeded in taking his boat
clear under the five rows of
mines, and, sighting a large
two-funnelled vessel painted
grey with the Turkish ensign
flying, he closed her to 800
yards, fired a torpedo and
immediately dived. As the
submarine dipped he heard
the explosion, and putting
up his periscope saw that
the vessel was settling by
the stern. He had now to
make the return journey, but
to the danger of the
mine-field a fresh peril was
added; the lenses of the
compass had become so badly
fogged, that steering by it
was no longer possible. He
was not even sure where he
was, but taking into
consideration the time since
he had passed Cape Helles,
and the fact that the boat
appeared to be entirely
surrounded by land, he
calculated that he must be
in Sari Sighlar Bay.
times he bumped the bottom
as he ran along submerged at
full speed, but the risk of
ripping open the submarine
had to be taken, and it was
not till half an hour had
passed and be judged that
the mines must now be behind
him that he put up his
periscope again. There was
now a clear horizon on his
port beam, and for this he
steered, taking peeps from
time to time to correct his
course since the compass was
still unserviceable. Our
watching destroyers noticed
a torpedo-boat apparently
searching for him; but after
he had dived twice under a
minefield and navigated the
Dardanelles submerged
without a compass, so
ordinary a hazard seems to
have escaped his notice. It
was not till he returned to
the base, having been nine
hours under water, that he
learned that the vessel he
had torpedoed was the cruiser
Messudieh. Such an
exploit was quite without
precedent. The Admiralty at
once telegraphed their
highest appreciation of the
resource and daring
displayed. Lieutenant
Holbrook received the V.C,
Lieutenant S. T. Winn, his
second in command, a D.S.O.,
and every member of the crew
a D.S.C. or D.S.M. according
to rank. (The Turks state
that the Messudieh
was placed in this exposed
position by the Germans
contrary to Turkish opinion.
They also say she was hit
before she saw the submarine
or could open fire, and that
she turned over and sank in
ten minutes. Many men were
imprisoned in her, but most
of them were extricated,
when plant and divers
arrived from Constantinople
and holes could be cut in
her bottom. In all 49
officers and 587 men were
saved. The casualties were
10 officers and 27 men
killed. She sank in shoal
water and most of her guns
were afterwards salved and
added to the minefield and
intermediate defences.)
by this success Admiral
Carden asked for one of the
latest class of submarines.
He was sure that if fitted
like B.11 she could
go right up to the Golden
Horn. But as the Scarborough
raid had just taken place
and the High Seas Fleet
showed signs of awakening
none could be spared, and
the blockade settled down
again to its dull routine.
Though there were constant
rumours of a coming
destroyer attack in
retaliation for the loss of
the Messudieh, the
indications were that at the
Dardanelles the enemy's only
thought was defence.
It may be worth mentioning that
B11 was operated by a crew of two officers and 11 men. In these early days of submarine warfare, it is worth noting how frequently the accounts note with some wonder that
B11 remained submerged for nine hours. At this time surface vessels had no sonar and no way of detecting submarines unless they spotted the periscope. Even if spotted, they had no depth charges, while the sub had the torpedo.
Mesudiye after sinking |
To offer the Turkish perspective, I am quoting this from the website
Turkey in the First World War's page on
Major Naval Opeations: I urge you to visit their site. They quote the Mesudiye's acting commander in the course of the account:
The Allies were planning first to cross the straits
with submarines, which would make the warships’ job easier in the
subsequent phases of the war. However, crossing the straits was not an
easy job, not only because of the mine barrages, coastal barriers,
observers and projectors, but also because of the strong currents and
differences in water density. The first Allied submarine to be sighted
by the Turks was the French Faradi, which, on November 23,
approached the entrance of the Dardanelles, but had to retreat as the
Turkish batteries at Seddülbahir opened fire. A few days later, the
British submarine B-11, commanded by Lt Cmd Norman Holbrook was given the task to attempt to force the Dardanelles.B-11 set sail from Tenedos during the
early hours of December 13, 1914. Successfully passing under five mine
barrages, she arrived at the Sarısığlar Bay where she sighted Mesudiye at around 11:30 am. B-11 fired two torpedoes. Mesudiye
immediately opened fire with her remaining guns, but this was to no
avail. In ten minutes the battleship capsized and sank in shallow water.
In his memoirs, Captain Üsküdarlı Rıfat Bey, who was the acting
commander of Mesudiye at the time of the attack, wrote about
the details of the event: “There was no point in continuing to fire. I
had to think about the personnel, so I ordered ceasefire to be followed
by an order to leave the ship. The first torpedo of the enemy submarine
hit a little above the ammunition storage of Mesudiye’s stern guns. If
it were only 15-20 cm below, it would be a direct hit on the ammunition
storage and the ship would blow up in the instant. We had replaced the
removed guns with sand and chains in order to keep the balance. If that
had not been done, the ammunition storage would be elevated and that
would result in a direct hit.”
As B-11 returned to its base, the Turkish transport Bolayır rescued 48 officers and 573 men from Mesudiye.
Some sailors were trapped inside the ship and it took 36 hours to
release them. Total Turkish losses were 34, including ten officers and
24 men. The guns salvaged from Mesudiye were installed at a coastal battery named after the ship itself.
The loss of Mesudiye was a
psychological blow for the Turks, which forced them to strengthen the
defenses of the Dardanelles. New mine barrages were erected by Samsun and Nusrat.
By the end of 1914, there were nine lines comprising of a total of 324
mines inside the Dardanelles. On the Allied side, encouraged by B-11’s
success, Vice Admiral Sackville Carden asked for more submarines to be
deployed in the area, although his request could only be fulfilled to a
limited extent by the Admiralty. Carden also decreed that no Allied
submarine would sail on patrol without his express permission.
Holbrook |
As for the aftermath, I've mentioned the naming of Holbrook, New South Wales, at the beginning. Holbrook rose to the rank of Commander during the war. He returned to England after the war and lived in Sussex until his death in 1976, aged 87. After his death his widow donated his VC to the town named for him. At last report it was on loan to the Australian War Memorial.
Even the sunken
Mesudiye would have a measure of revenge. As the accounts above note, one reason that so many were rescued was that it went down in shoal-depth. As a result, her guns were also salvaged, and they were installed ashore in a shore battery also named
Mesudiye's Guns' Revenge: Bouvet sinking, March 1915 |
Mesudiye's guns would be responsible for gaining a measure of revenge. During the Allied attempt to force the Strait on March 18, 1915, the beginning of the Dardanelles campaign, the
Mesudiye shore battery provided some of the fire that sank the French battleship
At least one of her guns is still reportedly on display at Gallipoli (left).
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