I know I will get in deep trouble if I ever start having caption contests, so I think I'm going to be very selective on comments on this one, but I couldn't help noticing that in the picture, George Mitchell is standing in front of the picture of ‘Arafat, and Mahmud ‘Abbas is standing in front of the picture of, well, Mahmud ‘Abbas. No comments beyond that one; make up y0ur own but please be civil. ("Why are these men smiling?" does not count.) If it gets out of hand I'll close comments on such posts in the future, but so far our conversations have been quite civil.
Middle East Theatre Company announces the tenth revival of its modestly acclaimed though previously unsuccessful production of "Huis Clos".
American International Performing Arts Corporation Producer George Mitchell announces the signing of Mahmud Abbas to play John in its remake of Grumpy Old Men.
Mr. Mitchell, "We hope to reach a settlement soon with the lead for Max."
Mitchell advises Abbas on ground breaking US brokered freeze of settlements.
Whenever the temperature is minus 5 Celsius or lower, all construction will be halted.
Preferredly Liberal Organization's George Mitchell signs Abbas to play title role in Waiting for Godot.
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