But that's not my point here. A much better model for what we are seeing now is what Egyptians have always called the "Revolution of 1919" (thawra 1919), though many English histories follow the British colonial usage and call it an uprising. Like 2011, 1919 had no clear leadership and was largely a genuine popular uprising. It had its own flag,

Saad (Sa‘d) Zaghloul, right, whose return to Egypt from exile in 1923 was the subject of my first Weekend Historical Video post, was the indirect cause; when the British exiled him and the Wafd Party leadership to Malta to prevent their participation in the Paris Peace Conference, Egyptians (and Sudanese) rose against British rule.

The British responded to the bloodshed, which lasted for months, by replacing High Commissioner Reginald Wingate with a military hero, Field Marshal Viscount Allenby, and sending an investigating commission under Lord Milner to study the situation. Though British accounts tend to see the rising as having eventually been put down, Egyptians note that the Milner Commission recommended an end to the Protectorate and thus the revolt led directly to the British declaring Egypt independent in 1922.
It was a limited independence; Britain retained troops in the Canal Zone and the right to deploy them elsewhere in wartime (as they did in World War II during the North African campaign). Sudan was made an Anglo-Egyptian condominium. But

The 1919 Revolution is little remembered today outside of Egypt, but it is probably a much better analog of the current uprising than the military coups of Ahmad ‘Orabi in 1881 or the Free Officers of 1952.
Note too that in both the pictures shown here (other than Zaghloul and the flag), women, though veiled, are highly visible.
Finally, an appropriate historical parallel, other than the French revolution! And right out of Egypt's own history.
Isn't the critical distinction between a revolt and a revolution, that after the revolution there is a different government.
By that test, 1919 was a revolt.
But independence came in 1922 and Zahghloul returned and became PM in 1923, so there was a different government; it just took a while. Anyway, Egyptians call it a thawra and I'm just citing them.
Thanks for this! I'm reading about the thawra in a literary context: Naguib Mahfouz's Cairo Trilogy.
My 96 year old aunt remembers vaguely the 1919 revolution. My grandfather took his children into the streets and my father was yelling Zagloul Zagloul.
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