Unfortunately, the contest provoked only one response, unlike the great responses I got to the General Sisi post. The one answer was from "Karl," who said "Dubai."
A very reasonable guess. The dhows on the beach guarantee it's somewhere in the Gulf, and as I said, it doesn't look like this anymore. A reasonable guess, but wrong. Here's the picture with the original caption, which is scanned from Lorimer's Gazeteer.
Yes, not Dubai, but Doha. Pre-Oil, pre-Natural Gas, pre-Al Jazeera, pre-Education City, pretty much pre-everything.
Prize quote from Lorimer, Vol. IIA (1908), p.489:
"The general appearance of Dohah is unattractive; the lanes are narrow and irregular, the houses dingy and small. There are no date palms or other trees, and the only garden is a small one near the fort, kept up by the Turkish garrison."Enjoy your weekend. Doha today:
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